About Me

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I'm a Mom in Training and a Grown up in Progress. I'm a hot mess 6 out of 7 days a week. I constantly stop to make sure I didn't forget a kid somewhere, always leave something out for the dog to destroy, usually misplace my keys, cell phone, hair brush, and remote every 30 minutes or so and never remember to refill the diaper bag. I struggle on a daily basis with the fact that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Join me while I learn how being a grown up doesn't mean you actual have to grow up.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Field trip from Hell-o Mackinac Island!

So last week I took a 3 day field trip up to Mackinac Island with my daughter and her entire 4th grade.  I have to say that I enjoyed the trip, my time with my daughter and I actually learned quite a bit. 
     Did you know that beavers use oil from their butts to rub into their fur to keep it waterproof? Me either!  Also, did you know that they use that same oil in lotions, perfumes and body washes with a musk smell in order to obtain that musky smell that stays all day?!  I know!  They said it is called Castor oil, the same name but not the same as the Castor oil your thinking of.  Check the backs of your bottles, I DID. You will be surprised.  Needless to say I do not care for much musky stuff anyway but I did have a few body washes I had to pitch.  I know that seems wasteful but I can't wash my body in beaver butt oil.  That is to much for me. Thanks 4th grade
field trip, I now have been permanently traumatized and will have to check the bottles for the rest of my life!

     I also learned that if you stuff 25+ kids on a bus along with their parents for a 3 day field trip you will slowly begin to question your own sanity.  Like I said I enjoyed the trip but I was the mom hurdling over the kids and bus seats to get off that insane asylum on wheels.  I think I may have set a new Olympic record.  I then preceded to hug the pavement and my car, and as I drove off away from the "fun" I couldn't help but be thankful that I never have to do that again.

   P.S. If you ever doubt or question your parenting skills, and if you are doing it right...Go on a field trip with other parents.  Trust me, you will feel like mom of the year after you witness the way people behave to and around their children.  My daughter even is thankful that me, her overprotective, overbearing, education pushy mom is her mom. 

   All in all the trip was definitely worth it!  I've added lots of What not to do's to my parenting list.  While parenting is the hardest job, and none of us can or will ever be the perfect parent I know now that I am doing some thing's right.  At least until tomorrow when I become the no fun mean mom again.

Always Imperfect,

Agent M


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