About Me

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I'm a Mom in Training and a Grown up in Progress. I'm a hot mess 6 out of 7 days a week. I constantly stop to make sure I didn't forget a kid somewhere, always leave something out for the dog to destroy, usually misplace my keys, cell phone, hair brush, and remote every 30 minutes or so and never remember to refill the diaper bag. I struggle on a daily basis with the fact that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Join me while I learn how being a grown up doesn't mean you actual have to grow up.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Moving: Its more fun to just pop the bubble wrap

MOVING:  something I should be good at.
I've moved somewhere between a lot and way to many freaking times.  I hate it, I loathe it and I suck at it.  But here I am again...moving, and this time I'm moving 2 adults, 3 kids and one furball. 'Sigh'  The effort to just think about moving is exhausting.  On a bright note this time I am moving for much happier reasons than in the past.  We are moving to a nicer, bigger and newer home, and we have a pool!  That in itself is almost worth all the headaches caused from packing up all this crap.  Where did we get all this junk anyway?!  If you saw my garage right now you would think we were hoarders...not kidding.  It looks like I woke up in a Goodwill store...again not kidding.  You see, my husband
, bless his heart thought it would be a genius idea to move everything from the basement and the attic into the garage (an entire month before we move). Just let me say:  Awesome idea honey, just a super duper good idea.  I love that our garage is now unusable, un-walkable, our stuff is impossible to find, and its now even harder to get anything else out of the house that we might need to move first.  Again I state awesome, just awesome. 'Sigh'  I'm being punished aren't I?

Now with all the moving I've done one would think that I would have great tips and ideas of how to be organized and efficient.  If so, one would be wrong.  I can teach you how not to move if you like. Do you know how your kids get to be about 5 or 6 and decide they can pack their own bag for Grandmas house or for that sleepover?  You know how that bag ends up having 10 shirts, shorts if its winter and pants if its summer, along with no underwear or socks and 10 or so stuffed animals/toys plus a pillow and usually their comforter (not their blanket but their way to big not going to fit ginormous comforter)?  Well that's how I pack.  I don't mean to, it just happens.  I try to be organized I think I'm being organized as a pack a box, but then like magic as I turn my back 'POOF' the box turns into an upside down inside out disaster.  A couple of this, some of that, all from different rooms of the house with a little bit of newspaper tissue paper for decoration.  What the HELL?!  Its like there is an evil little moving Elf that's out to get me.  Seriously! It must be the brother of that bastard that steals our socks.  

Note to self Invent elf trapping device to end this madness once and for all.

We move in 5 days and about 1/2 the house is packed, and I sit here and blog to you instead of packing.  Probably another reason I suck at moving.   To top it all off, my adoring husband likes to ask everyone he encounters if they would like to help us move.  Oh yes dear I would love for everyone we know to see just how completely unorganized and un-grown up I am!  For the love of Peter, Paul and Mary just shoot me now. 'Sigh'

Well I think I will go stuff some more crap in boxes, tape the box shut and then realize I don't remember whats inside, which leads to having to un-tape the box so I can review the contents and then try to label it something helpful.  I'll keep you posted on the move, the hoard and how many stuffed animals I can fit in one box.

Wish me Luck,

Agent M

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